Thursday, May 7, 2020

Biannual Review of Beach Volleyball-Related Research - May 2020


As a service to coaching professionals this inaugural biannual review contains a compilation of the most recent scientific research related to the sport of beach volleyball. Our aim is to promote a research-based approach to teaching the game and to provide exposure for authors who are providing insights into how the game is taught, played and learned.

The list is not exhaustive.  Effective coaching requires a multi-disciplinary approach that advances well beyond sport in general and beach volleyball in particular.  The sheer volume of relevant material being published prevents us from including it all in this space.  While we've chosen primarily to include materials that are specific to beach volleyball, citations will occasionally lead readers to more general materials with potentially compelling applications to coaching sport and people.

As a matter of policy full text is available only to open access materials or content readily available in the public domain.  It is not our intention to undermine journals' paid subscription policies.



Title: Negative Performance Dependence in Beach Volleyball: Does Reception Failure Drive Further Reception Failure in Collegiate Beach Volleyball?

Summary: The purpose of this study was to assess whether players receiving serve in beach volleyball are more likely to pass out of system immediately following an out of system pass than following an in system pass and to identify whether and how experience and pressure variables influence performance following failure.

Link: Full Text

Data: May, 2020


Title: Changes in infraspinatus and lower trapezius activation in volleyball players following repetitive serves.

Summary: To examine changes in activation of the infraspinatus and lower trapezius following performance of repetitive jump-float serves.

Link: Full Text

Publication: International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy

Date: April, 2020

Title: Session RPE is a valuable internal load evaluation method in beach volleyball for both genders, elite and amateur players, conditioning and technical sessions, but limited for tactical training and games.

Summary: This study aimed to verify the validity of session subjective ratings of perceived exertion (RPE) method to monitor the internal training load in beach volleyball players by considering sessions related to different genders, competition levels (elite or amateur), and types of session (conditioning, technical, or tactical/game).

Link: Abstract

Publication: Kinesiology

Date: April, 2020


Title: Which are the nutritional supplements used by beach volleyball athletes? A cross-sectional study at the Italian national championships.

Summary: This study aimed to evaluate the quantity and the heterogeneity of the nutritional supplementation practices of amateur and professional beach volley athletes competing in the Italian National Championship.

Link: Abstract

Publication: Physical Performance in Team Sports (Special Issue)

Date: March, 2020

Title: Anthropometric profile and conditional factors of U21 Spanish elite beach volleyball players according to playing position.

Summary: The aim of this work was to describe and study the relationship between anthropometric and conditional factors of under-21 high-performance beach volleyball players according to playing position.

Link: Abstract

Publication: Retos

Date: March, 2020

Title: The effect of motivation on the resilience and anxiety of the athlete.

Summary:  This study analyzes the influence of motivation of the athlete on resilience, and the latter, on their levels of anxiety.

Link: Abstract

Publication: Revista Internacional de Medicina y Ciencias de la Actividad FĂ­sica y del Deporte

Date:  March, 2020

Title: Do differences between the training load perceived by elite beach volleyball players and that planned by coaches affect nueromuscular function?

Summary: This study aimed to verify the differences between the training load planned by coaches and that perceived by Beach Volleyball (BV) players and observe the effects on athletes’ neuromuscular function.

Link: Abstract

Publication: Retos

Date: March, 2020

Title: The effects of ball impact position on shoulder muscle activation during spike in male volleyball players.

Summary: The ball impact position during spiking in volleyball may influence the pattern of activation of shoulder girdle muscles and, therefore, could be a significant risk factor for shoulder injury.

Link: Full Text (open access)

Publication: Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery

Date: March, 2020


Title: Visual and auditory information during decision making in sport.

Summary: The authors investigated the effects of bimodal integration in a sport-specific task. Beach volleyball players were required to make a tactical decision, responding either verbally or via a motor response, after being presented with visual, auditory, or both kinds of stimuli in a beach volleyball scenario.

Link: Abstract

Publication: Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology

Date: February, 2020

Title: On discouraging environments in team contests: Evidence from top-level beach volleyball.

Summary: This study empirically investigates the adverse effects of unbalanced competition and
negative feedback in team contests in the field.  Using a unique data set sourced from top-level beach volleyball.

Link: Full Text (Wiley - Open Access)

Publication: Managerial and Decision Economics

Date:  February, 2020

Title: Specific periodization for the volleyball: The importance of the residual training effects.

Summary: The objective of the review is to explain how to use the residual training effects during the elaboration of the the specific periodization for volleyball.

Link: Full Text (open access)

Publication: MOJ Sports Medicine

Date: February, 2020

Title: Performance indicators in young elite beach volleyball players.

Summary: The aim of this study was to analyze tactical and technical behavior across different ages and genders in young, elite beach volleyball players.

Link: Abstract

Publication: Frontiers in Psychology

Date: February 2020


Title: Investigating cumulative effects of pre-performance routine interventions in beach volleyball serving.

Summary: This study aimed to investigate the cumulative effectiveness of pre-performance routine interventions on the accuracy of beach volleyball serves.

Link: Full Text (open access)

Publication: Plos One

Date: January, 2020

Title: Offensive scoring in elite women's beach volleyball: An analysis of zone usage in the Olympic Games.

Summary: The aim of this research was to identify the areas of the court used by the offense to score in women's beach volleyball.  It is expected that knowledge of offensive zone usage can be useful to develop physical training, strategic, and tactical plans for beach volleyball teams competing at the elite level studied.

Link: Full Text

Date: January, 2020

Title: Beach and indoor volleyball athletes present similar lower limb muscle activation during a countermovement jump.

Summary: The study aimed to compare and correlate the power, height, eccentric and concentric force development rate of 3 sequential attempts of countermovement jump and the respective muscle response in beach and indoor volleyball athletes.

Link: Full Text

Publication: Human Movement

Date: January, 2020

Title: Comparative analysis of the technical-tactical elements of elite men's beach volleyball teams.

Summary: The aim of the study was to perform a comparative analysis of the technical-tactical skills of elite male beach volleyball teams in the 2004 Athens Olympic Games.

Link: Abstract

Publication: Sports Science

Date: January, 2020

Title: Generalized model for scores in volleyball matches.

Summary:  The authors propose a Markovian model to calculate the winning probability of a set in a volleyball match

Link: Abstract

Publication: Jounral of Quantitative Analysis in Sports

Date: January, 2020

Title: A systematic review of volleyball spike kinematics: Implications for practice and research.

Summary: This systematic review summarized and critically appraised the literature on the volleyball spike kinematics.

Link: Full Text

Publication: International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching

Date: January. 2020

Title: Perception and action in sports.  On the functionality of foveal and peripheral vision.

Summary: The authors examine the roles of foveal and peripheral vision in optimally coupling perception and action in a variety of sports performances.

Link: Full Text (open access)

Publication: Frontiers in Sports and Active Living

Date: January, 2020

Title: Do the eyes tell the truth?  Mechanisms of peripheral vision usage and practical implications.

Summary: In team sports, attention must be divided to multiple players in order to monitor their movements and to initiate the correct motor response at the right time.  In a series of three experimental studies, this monitoring functionality has been investigated to propose ways for sport-specific investigations on peripheral vision

Link: Abstract

Publication: Bern Open Repository and Information System

Date: January, 2020

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